Design Based Research to Desain Bahan Ajar: English Morphosyntax


Inayatul Mukarromah
UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember


Systemic Functional Linguistics, Morphosyntax, English Grammar, English Teaching


The Component of micro-Linguistics, included Phonetic, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics, for instance, may be included in it with a mission to provide students with sufficient linguistics knowledge related to the formed field.  At the same time, the component of macro-linguistic includes Sociolinguistic, Psycholinguistic, Eco linguistic, Ethno-linguistic or Anthropological Linguistic, Semiotic, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatic, Semiotic, et cetera. Besides, students are also brought to study English grammar in which they familiarize themselves with the concept of grammar inherent to using the language with a distinct focus on matters about grammar. Before the students do these courses in their study, they usually have to take an introduction. Those subjects are packed and presented to the extent suitable to arouse their curiosity to learn linguistics and to motivate them to do so when the time comes for them to deal with their linguistic courses in due semesters.

I design this book because by producing the material design of morphosyntactic, the students can improve their writing skills. It is designed to support the lecture and help the students comprehend Morphosyntax's elements and rules.


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19 December 2022


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