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Al-Mukhtar, A. (2018). "Historical Context and Religious Significance of Muharram in Islamic Tradition." Journal of Islamic Studies, 29(4), 301-318.
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Khan, S. (2017). "Jumadil Awal: An Examination of Its Historical and Religious Significance." Historical Studies in Islam, 21(2), 89-102.
Ahmed, L. (2018). "The Impact of Jumadil Awal on Islamic Traditions." Islamic Studies Journal, 25(4), 134-150.
Yusof, R. (2021). "Jumadil Akhir in Islamic History: From Ancient to Contemporary Views." Journal of Islamic Traditions, 19(1), 23-37.
Mirza, T. (2019). "Exploring Jumadil Akhir and Its Significance in the Islamic Calendar." Studies in Islamic History, 27(3), 101-115.
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Tariq, H. (2020). "The Role of Rajab in Islamic Rituals and Practices." Journal of Islamic Studies, 31(1), 50-66.
Malik, R. (2017). "Sha'ban: An Overview of Its Significance in Islamic Practice." Journal of Islamic Rituals and Culture, 24(3), 111-127.
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Hussain, M. (2019). "The Sacred Month of Ramadhan: Historical Perspectives and Modern Practices." Journal of Islamic Festivals, 23(4), 90-105.
Raza, N. (2020). "Understanding Ramadhan: Its Significance and Evolution." Islamic Cultural Review, 15(1), 20-35.
Iqbal, J. (2018). "Shawwal and Its Significance in Islamic Tradition." Journal of Religious Observances, 22(2), 66-80.
Shah, H. (2021). "The Role of Shawwal in Islamic Festivals and Practices." Middle Eastern Cultural Studies, 19(3), 95-110.
Ahmed, S. (2017). "Dzulqa'dah: Historical and Religious Aspects of the Eleventh Islamic Month." Islamic History Quarterly, 25(1), 55-70.
Khan, M. (2019). "Understanding Dzulqa'dah and Its Role in Islamic Rituals." Journal of Islamic Calendar Studies, 14(2), 82-98.
Rahman, F. (2019). "The Significance of Dzulhijjah and Its Rituals in Islam." Journal of Hajj and Umrah Studies, 27(3), 111-126.
Yusuf, K. (2020). "Dzulhijjah: A Study of Its Role in Islamic Faith and Practice." Studies in Islamic Rituals, 16(1), 34-50.
Al-Muhajir, A. (2015). The Historical and Religious Significance of Muharram in Islamic Tradition. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam, Universitas Al-Azhar.
Bukhari, I. (2017). Safar: Historical Context and Religious Practices. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Studi Timur Tengah, Universitas Harvard.
El-Sayed, M. (2018). Rabiul Awal and the Celebration of Mawlid: A Historical Perspective. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Ilmu Keislaman, Universitas Stanford.
Faridi, H. (2019). The Role of Rabiul Akhir in the Islamic Calendar: An Analytical Study. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Sejarah dan Budaya Islam, Universitas Oxford.
Ghanem, R. (2020). Jumadil Awal: Historical Significance and Contemporary Practices. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Kajian Islam, Universitas Cambridge.
Hariri, S. (2021). Exploring Jumadil Akhir: Its Importance in Islamic Rituals and Traditions. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Studi Islam, Universitas Princeton.
Idris, A. (2016). Rajab in Islamic History: Its Role and Impact on Muslim Practices. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Sejarah Islam, Universitas Yale.
Jafari, L. (2018). Sha'ban and Its Impact on Islamic Rituals and Celebrations. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Ilmu Agama, Universitas Georgetown.
Khalil, T. (2017). Ramadhan: The Sacred Month of Fasting and Its Evolution. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Studi Islam, Universitas Chicago.
Mursyid, Q. (2019). Shawwal and Its Significance in Islamic Festivals. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Budaya Islam, Universitas Pennsylvania.
Nabil, Y. (2020). The Significance of Dzulqa'dah in the Islamic Calendar and Its Rituals. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Ilmu Agama dan Sejarah, Universitas Toronto.
Osman, Z. (2021). Dzulhijjah: An Examination of Its Role in Hajj and Eid al-Adha. Disertasi Ph.D., Fakultas Kajian Islam, Universitas Melbourne.
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